
Article I. Name

The name of this Organization shall be the “Kentucky Association of Veterans Education Certifying Officials” (KAVECO).

Article II. Purpose

Article III. Membership, Voting, and Dues


The active membership of the Organization shall be composed of persons associated with post-secondary educational institutions, government agencies, National Guard, or military service personnel whose organization is operating within the State of Kentucky and who are approved and directly involved with the administration of Military and Veterans educational programs. They shall pay annual dues and are entitled to all benefits, voting rights, and correspondence.


Courtesy memberships shall be issued to VA-related Professional and educational personnel such as the Department of Veterans Affairs and the State Approving Agency. They shall pay no dues and are entitled to all correspondence, but have no voting rights and cannot hold office.


Former due paying members who wish to retire and remain active in KAVECO and its activities. They receive all correspondence, pay no dues, hold no office, and have no voting rights.

Article IV. Meetings

Article V. Executive Board and Board of Directors

Article VI. Duties of Board of Directors


The President is chief executive officer of the Organization. The President is the principal officer of KAVECO. The President shall lead, oversee, and is ultimately responsible for all functions of the organization, ensuring its continued growth and development, continuity, and financial stability. This position is supported by the Vice President, the other Directors of the Board, the Executive Board, and the Committees.

The President shall assume this office after completion of one term as Vice President, and shall serve for a one-year term beginning July 1 of the fiscal year.  The President will serve for one-year as the Past-President after their term has expired.

Responsibilities include:

  Strategic planning, execution, and analysis.

  Signature authority on all legalities, contracts, and communications.

  Approve the annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

  Ensure compliance with state, federal, Department of Veterans Affairs, and any other governmental agency and reporting requirements.

  Lead and provide support for the Board of Directors.

  Ensure adherence to By-Laws and policies.

  Preside at the annual meeting, the meetings of the Executive Board and at any special meetings.

  Appoint all standing and special committee chairs with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.

  Ensure all expenditures of the Organization are properly authorized and sign check, as needed.

  Work with the Secretary to ensure proper documentation is being created and managed.

  Be an ex-officio member of all committees.


The Vice President shall serve as principal assistant to the President as needed and plays various leadership roles within Kaveco. The Vice President assists the President in fulfilling the mission of the Organization, and acts in the President’s place in his/her absence. The position is supported by the other members of the Board of Directors, Executive Board, and the Committees.

The Vice President shall serve a one-year term succeeding to the Presidency.


  Attend all board and executive meetings.

  In the absence of the President, preside over meetings.

  Assist the President with Strategic Planning, execution and analysis.

  Assist the President in the administrative functions of the Organization.

  Proposes policies and practices.

  Approve annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

  Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

      Assist other Board of Directors members with tasks when needed.


The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to meet legal requirements, and to enable authorized persons to determine when, how, and by whom the Board of Directors’ business was conducted. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, and subject to the organizational By-Laws, the Secretary records minutes of meetings, ensures their accuracy and availability, submits various reports to the Board of Directors, maintains membership records, fulfills any other requirements of an officer, and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the By-Laws.

The Secretary shall serve a one-year term.


  Attend Board meetings.

  Maintain records of the Board of Directors and Organization.

  Approve annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

  Work with the Treasurer and the President to ensure all proper documentation is being accurately submitted to the Internal Revenue Service.

  Should the President or Vice President be unavailable, the Secretary shall be a designated signing officer for certain documents on behalf of the Organization.

  Responsible for ensuring that documents necessary to maintain the Organization filed and up to date annually with the state of Kentucky.

  Be responsible for recording and disseminating the minutes to the Board of Directors within 10 working days of each meeting.

  Maintain the membership roster and correspondence file.

  Maintain documents and registration forms on the official website.

  Ensure all expenditures of the Organization are properly authorized and sign check, as needed.

      May serve as one of two KAVECO bankcard holders and may sign bank documents after consultation with the President.


The Treasurer has primary responsibility for management and control of funds as well as the overall fiscal health of the Organization. The Treasurer works with the Board of Directors to ensure that proper records are maintained, and that they reflect the current financial condition of KAVECO. These records include cash, outstanding advances, investments, accounts receivable and other assets, accounts payable, and fund balances. The Treasurer also works with the Board of Directors to implement fiscal policy and procedures. Checks shall be generated by the Office upon the approval of the Board or the President.

The Treasurer shall serve a two-year term.  The books shall be audited immediately after the annual conference by a committee appointed by the outgoing President with the Treasurer serving as a member of this committee. At the end of the last term of the current Treasurer, the incoming Treasurer will also be a part of the audit committee.


  Attend Board meetings.

  Serve as a Chairperson for the Membership Committee.

  Approve annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

  Create and maintain invoicing and receiving records.

  Provide monthly, quarterly, and annual records and budgets to the Board of Directors.

  Maintain all monies of the Organization, keeping an accurate record thereof.

  Maintain a checking account and statements for KAVECO funds.

  Ensure all expenditures of the Organization are properly authorized and sign check, as needed.

  May serve as one of two KAVECO bankcard holders and may sign bank documents after consultation with the President.

      Work with the Secretary to ensure fiduciary responsibilities are met with annual state and federal organizations.


The duties of the Event Planner has the primary responsibility for the development and maintenance of the KAVECO website and the planning and coordinating of events. The Event Planner works with the Board of Directors to ensure that KAVECO is portrayed professionally, and that public facing pages are accurate. The Event Planner works with the other Board of Directors members and Committee members with strategies and execution of marketing plans, collection and analysis of data.


  Attend board meetings.

  Serve as Chairperson for the Marketing Committee.

  Approve annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

  Be the main point of contact to the KAVECO’s contracted webmaster for the provision and management of the website content, updates, and design.

  Assists with Marketing initiatives.

      Works with the President and Secretary to increase communication to members and public.


The standing committees of KAVECO shall assist in meeting the mission and Strategic goals of the Organization. As an agent of KAVECO, committee members will represent KAVECO with professionalism and uphold ethical standards. Committee members are non-voting, but should attend Executive Board meetings. Standing Committee members will engage in frequent interaction and communication with Executive Board Members and are responsible for timely results.

The standing committees of KAVECO shall include the following committees: Executive committee, Election committee, Membership and Marketing committee. The Chairperson for each committee shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors, whose position has delegated authority to preside over the committee. The President and the Executive Board shall have the power to appoint additional standing committees and such other committees (i.e., ad hoc task-force, etc.) as are appropriate for the Association.

Article VII. Amendments of By-Laws

Article VIII. Dissolution